An additional generator can be included in the system design in order to “hot swap” generators when maintenance is required or if there is an unscheduled failure
In a cycle maintenance schedule, the additional generator will be scheduled to run while one generator is taken off line and maintained, ready to be put back into service as the maintenance cycle continues. The maintenance redundancy will ensure uninterrupted and continual total output of the system to always be 30 MW.
The transformers proposed are the 34 MV medium range grid integration step-up transformers. These transformers can be configured to operate at either 50 or 60 hz.
The transformer architecture can be in different connection configurations. It can be designed with a big high-power transformer or it can be designed with multiple low power parallel connected synchronized transformers. The configuration architecture must be decided on during the initial design meetings.
Redundancy built into the architecture helps to provide cyclical maintenance and cope with emergency situations
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