An additional generator can be included in the system design in order to “hot swap” generators when maintenance is required or if there is an unscheduled failure
In a cycle maintenance schedule, the additional generator will be scheduled to run while one generator is taken off line and maintained, ready to be put back into service as the maintenance cycle continues. The maintenance redundancy will ensure uninterrupted and continual total output of the system to always be 30 MW.
Number of generators = 30,000/3,000 = 10
Connected Generators for Maintenance
The diagram reflects 10 Parallel connected generators at 3MW each. The other alternative is for 30 1MW generators connected in Parallel. It is also feasible for a combination of 3MW and 1 MW generators to be installed.
In order to meet the strict deadlines for commissioning, the final configuration is always based on availability of the components at the time of contract signing.
If availability is an issue and 3 MW generators are needed to replace some or all of the 1MW generators, to get to the aggregate of 30 MW’s, the overall price will not change.
Redundancy built into the architecture helps to provide cyclical maintenance and cope with emergency situations
In a continuous power generation system, the calculation is done according to 75-80 % ofmaximum of output of the generators. The power plant continuous power is designed to output continual power rated at 30,000 kW (30 MW)
Redundancy built into the architecture helps to provide cyclical maintenance and cope with emergency situations
Meeting Demand and Product Availability
In normal mode operation, the maintenance cycle of a generator is every 250 hours.Therefore, maintenance should be scheduled every 250 hours. There are some modifications to increase this time to 500 hours and there are also options to make the maintenance while running the system.
How to make the maintenance while running the system?
The generators included in the proposal are set to run with HFO fuel. If in the future there is a requirement to change to a different fuel type, this can be done as an in-field modification. Retrofit kits are available to convert the generator to run with either diesel or natural gas.